Soon Circus Company Soon Circus Co.

Marta Llana

The show

Gregarious offers a captivating portrayal of the human side of sports, challenging the traditional depiction of sports heroes. The performance seamlessly blends competition and collaboration, illuminating themes of teamwork and rivalry. Drawing inspiration from their own close friendship, the two artists have crafted a contemporary circus gem that exudes energy, wit, and charm. With exceptional physical abilities, breathtaking stunts, and clever comedic elements, Gregarious offers a fresh perspective on the emotional and personal dynamics that are at the core of sports.

The appeal of the performance reaches beyond any particular age group, captivating both young and old audiences with their skillful blend of physical comedy and more nuanced content. As a result, it is not only adored by a diverse audience but also receives high praise from critics.


Marta Llana

Nanouk films


Patrick Miller

The company

Soon Circus Company was created by Nilas Kronlid and Manel Rosés. They met in the Circus University of Stockholm in 2007. Fresh out of school they won Gold at Festival Mondial du Cirque de Demain with the teeterboard group Balagans. Since then Nilas and Manel has taken part in creating several shows and acts that has toured the world, such as Scandinavian Boards and InTarsi (Circo EIA). Their passion for acrobatics and movement brought them together. But their friendship and similar artistic goals has kept them together.

The award winning show Gregarious is the first production of Soon Circus Company. It has played over 150 times and in more than 15 countries.


Patrick Miller